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GEF Supports: 

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The mission of Road Signs for Life is to foster a positive mindset and personal growth in our society’s vulnerable populations of women in prison and juveniles in detention and treatment centers.

Thank for the foundation's generosity, 


Carol Belli, Founder


The GEF Helps Groton Stay Proud and Put Children First

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The Groton Education Foundation was happy to fund the Children First Groton inaugural Early Childhood Resource Fair!


The fair was not only educational but it was also fun! It was wonderful to witness the joy on thechildren’s faces while they visited each of the “fun” stations which also provided lessons in safety, health, and education.

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52 community partners registered to participate

16 teens volunteered from the community

95 children and 54 families benefited from the fair

Reading: Book Station- Each child was able to select a book of interest and learn about the importance of learning to read for enjoyment and to gain


15 Car Seat checks were performed (Groton Ambulance)

3 Car Seats were provided

10 Bike Helmets were provided (Groton City Police)

Bike Helmet Station: Children learned about the importance of wearing a helmet

to protect their head (brain) when riding a bike. Instruction was provided

regarding proper sizing/fitting of a bike helmet. Children were gifted/fitted with a

new bike helmet upon need.

63 Fingerprint Kits were provided

Many community partners reconnected in-person post-COVID

Sunglasses Safety Station: Children were informed of the importance of protecting their eyes from the harmful UV rays emitted from the sun. Children selected a pair of sunglasses to support their ability to enact the learning from

this lesson.

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GEF Supports Communication  Equity at Local Grade School

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June 2023


With a grant from the Groton Education Foundation, an Outdoor Playground Communication Board was recently installed at the Mystic River Magnet School (MRMS). The sign will be used to support the communication development of students with disabilities. This sign will allow nonverbal and minimally verbal children to communicate their wants and needs while playing outdoors.


Children and adults can point to the pictures on the sign in order to request something they want to play with (i.e. slide), to tell how they are feeling (i.e. happy), to request something they need (i.e. bathroom), to comment about an activity (i.e. like it), to protest/negate (i.e. not), etc.


Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is a communication goal in the Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) for most students enrolled in the Autism Program and Integrated Preschool programs at MRMS. With the installation of a sign on the preschool/kindergarten playground and the 1st-5th grade playground, the GEF has made it possible for the staff to provide equity to their students who are learning to communicate.

 GEF Supports Local Production of The Lion King.  


April 2023

Fifth grade teacher, Heather Dalton, was busy making memories for her students this spring with a grant from the GEF. 27 fourth and fifth graders performed The Lion King play twice on April 6, 2023, before a live audience. It was a huge success. The kids built everything including the sets, costumes, props, and dances! Every student felt proud and confident.


Humor and Hakuna Matata! 


Costume Design 


Movin' and Groovin' 

"I want to thank you wholeheartedly for supporting the theater program at Charles Barnum. Our production of The Lion King was a raving success I really appreciate the help of the GEF. Since I have no site-budget for theater, without your help the show would not go on!"

Heather Dalton, Fifth Grade Teacher

Charles Barnum Elementary School

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